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Diverse Design

Confucius once said, "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it." Since I can remember, I have spent my life appreciating, discovering and creating beauty in the world. Whether floating on the remote canals of Southern India, or ruling the runways of New York, beauty can be seen everywhere and in everything if you are looking with the right eyes.


After a wonderful start in the non-profit art world as a teacher and graphic artist, I decided to merge my passions and joined the fashion industry. Through a career of working for various clients, private brands and design industries (fashion, accessories, home, graphic, web, wellness), I have learned the execution of numerous styles and desires as well as the art of working with people.


My love of art, travel and learning the beauty of diverse cultures has transformed me into the eclectic designer and person I am today. As a fortunate designer who started in the non-profit sector, I would love to take my learnings and experience and give back in whatever ways I can.

It is important that we remember we are all connected.  For us to grow as a society, community and world it will take us recognizing those thoughtful connections and helping those who can not help themselves.


Please feel free to reach out about any and all inquiries.

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+001 614.448.8556


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